
As in real soccer, as an Owner, you can send a Youth Scout in search of promising young players to join your team. Right after performing the action, the new players will appear in your squad, but their information will not be revealed until after 6 days – unless the scout has the special ability “Master of Relations”, in which case the process takes 3 days. Once the search is complete, you will be able to reveal the identity of your new players.

After each Scouting, the scout will gain more experience and their attributes will improve. Each Scouting performed by the scout will improve its Knowledge values.

Players found and Cost

The number of players you find in each scouting will also vary according to their knowledge, as finding better players is harder and more expensive.

Players' Role and Scout Specific Role

Scouts will only find players that play within the same role of their expertise. This means that depending on their role being Goalkeeper, Defender, Midfielder or Forward, they will only be able to find players for that general positions.

The first player found in the Scouting, where the scout specific role (if any) is applied, will always have the scout specific role. For the rest of the players (if the scout is to find more than one), probabilities will depend on the scout’s role, according to the tables below.

Scout with Goalkeeper Role

Scout with Defender Role

Scout with Midfielder Role

Scout with Forward Role

Players' Age

The age of the players found by each scout will depend on his characteristics.

The usual age range of players found in scouting will be from 16 to 19 years old, with a 25% probability of each age. However, there is one scout special ability, which is ‘Youth specialist’, that allows the scout to find players from 14 to 19 years old. In that case, the probabilities are:

  • 14 years old: 26%

  • 15 years old: 26%

  • 16 years old: 12%

  • 17 years old: 12%

  • 18: years old: 12%

  • 19 years old: 12%

Additionally, it is important to understand that age also impacts the current abilities of the player. Older players are more developed than younger players, and based on that, some ratios are applied to the potential abilities to get the initial abilities when the scouting is done.

CurrentAbility=f(PotentialAbility,SpecificRole,Age)Current Ability = f(Potential Ability, Specific Role, Age)

According to that, the age ratios, which also depend on the overall knowledge of the scout, are the following ones:

There is however a Scout Special Ability which will have an impact on the previous table. Any scout with ‘Developed players’ special ability will increase, for any player at any age, 0,10 more points to the previous table. For example, a scout with ‘Developed players’ with an overall of 55 that finds a player that is 16 years old will have a ratio of 0.71 (0.61 from the previous table + 0.10 additional percentage points).

Players will achieve their peak in between 2–10 years depending on the initial age and the scout’s overall knowledge, giving the user many time to enjoy the player at his maximum potential.

Players' Abilities

The characteristics of the scout also influence the type of abilities the players found will have.

Based on the scout overall knowledge, a potential value for each players’ ability is calculated accordingly. Each specific role has its calculations, meaning that there are some abilities more linked to some specific roles than others. For the same overall potential, for example, RWB and RB will have better potential in the crossing and dribbling abilities than CB.

However, CB will have better strength. This means that if a Midfielder Scout with an overall of 75 has the best knowledge Defense and second best in Attacking, he will find players with a Potential similar to 75 but with better Attacking-related abilities than Physical & Mental. If the Scout has the best knowledge of Defense and second Physical & Mental, the players will be better in physical-related abilities than Defense (and still an overall of 75).

A balanced process converts scouts’ knowledge overall to players’ abilities. So, given a scout with Overall 80 that has mental knowledge of 45, probably there will be a balance based on the specific role when finding the players. Finally, mental-related abilities can be slightly increased, depending on the importance in the specific role.

All processes to find the potentials of each ability have some randomness added, but always take into account that the overall potential of the player is similar to the overall of the scout.

Players' Special Abilities

Every scout has a chance to find one of these special players, but some of them have a better eye for it.

Scouts with players' special abilities will be more likely to discover players with special abilities. The overall knowledge also has some influence in the probability of finding players with special abilities.

The first player found is the one with the higher chance to have a special ability. Also, it may happen that the players discovered have different abilities than those of the scout.

Scout without Players' Special Abilities

When a youth scout has no Player Special Abilities, the probability that the first player found has a special ability is low.

The rest of the players found in the Scouting of a scout without players' special abilities will have no special abilities.

Scout with 1 Player Special Ability

If a youth scout has one player special ability, the chances of the first player being discovered to have a special ability as well increases. There is a small chance that the ability is not the same as the scout.

The rest of the players found will have each one a 5% chance of having one special ability.

Scout with 2 Player Special Abilities

Youth scouts with two player special abilities have the same probability of finding a first player with special abilities as the Scouts that only have one special ability. The main difference is that they also have the chance to discover a player with two abilities. There is a small chance that one of the abilities is not the same as the scout.

The rest of the players found will have, each one, a 5% chance of having one special ability and a 1% of having two special abilities (94% chance of having 0 special abilities).

Scouts that have as a special ability being a ‘Scouting Expert’ are the ones that have higher probabilities of finding players with special abilities; in fact, it adds 20 percentage points more (up to a maximum of 100) to the chance that the first player they discover has a special ability.

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